National Sexual Assault Conference – San Francisco
Leah Aldridge, Janette Robinson Flint, Ponny White
Collective Action for Reproductive Freedom; Bridging the Anti Sexual Violence and Reproductive Justice Movements

Sisters in Control Programs
- Black Maternal and Infant Health
- Get Smart B4 U Get Sexy
- Grown and Sexy
- Keep in Touch Breast Health Initiative
- Rites of Passage
Sisters in Control Events
free the pill
On July 13, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Opill – the first-ever over-the-counter birth control pill in the United States

annual reproductive conference
This conference brings together a community of Black women and girls to discuss the political and economic climate of our fundamental rights and how they are in jeopardy.

rites of passage
The Rites of Passage (ROP) program is a 15-week free after-school program for teenage Black girls ages 14–19 that aims to educate and empower youth to take control of their reproductive health and broaden their knowledge on topics such as financial literacy, college and career, self discovery, mental health, physical wellness, and much more.
black maternal and infant health
The Black Maternal and Infant Health program uses policy and program development to bring attention to the shockingly high rate of Black maternal and infant mortality in Los Angeles County. We fight for systemic changes that recognize how racism affects health outcomes so that Black mothers and babies are able to thrive.
Black Women for Wellness and Black Women for Wellness Action Project Express Outrage About the Untimely Death of April Valentine.
- Know your rights: Human rights for pregnant people

Gabrielle & Kheti at the Maternal Infant Health Sisters@Eight Panel Discussion on Maternal Mortality Rates Data Collection, April 14, 2023

get smart b4U get sexy
Get Smart B4U Get Sexy (GS B4U GS) supports peer advocates shifting attitudes on sex and sexuality through comprehensive sex and sexuality education, promoting smart as sexy and making sex smart. This is done through a primary focus on assisting youth in the development of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and an increased understanding of overall sexual health.
grown and sexy
Grown and Sexy is a sexual health and education program for women over 40. Events are held every 3rd Friday of the month.

sisters in control media

“Blaming Black mothers, then, is a way of subjugating the Black race as a whole. At the same time, devaluing motherhood is particularly damaging to Black women … regulating Black women’s reproductive decisions has been a central aspect of racial oppression in America.”
– Dorothy Roberts, Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty