Sisters@Eight is a monthly roundtable bringing a wealth of information to health professionals, leadership, advocates and community to help empower, mobilize, and organize toward advocacy. Forums are held monthly every 2nd Friday.

Sisters in Control Reproductive Justice Program (SCRJ) program supports policy, utilizes programs, works with advisory councils, commissions and boards to secure reproductive justice for women and girls. Programs include:
- Maternal & Infant Health
- Get Smart B4U Get Sexy
- Grown & Sexy

Sisters in Motion program works to decrease the incidents of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity through regular exercise, physical activity and movement. Programs include:

Our Environmental Justice engages and educates community members to influence local, state and national policies that regulate the safety of chemical use in cosmetics and personal care products as well as the negative impacts of neighborhood drilling and climate change on local communities and ecosystems. Initiatives include:
- Environmental Justice
- Healthy Hair
- Toxic Hair Additives

Our Civic Engagement Voter Education increases the electoral and political power of Black women through voter education, registration and outreach during and between elections (Voting Rules Everything Around Me VREAM). Initiatives include:
- Door-to-door canvassing
- COVID projects
- Redistricting Outreach

Our Annual Reproductive Justice Conference convenes annual conferences and/or health institutes exploring in depth the causal factors impact the health and well-being of women & girls.
BWW also produces educational material on a variety of subjects including, voter education, toxic chemicals, reproductive health status, healthy cooking and research on black women and girls’ health.